When BLENDING certain POPCORP zombie NFTs with a MUTATION ELEMENT CARD it will produce a MUTATION from the original zombie with a higher rarity.
As you can expect, these mutations will produce all sorts of weird results on our zombie NFTs and give a new dynamic to our collection with how collectors choose to blend and use mutation elements to produce results. If an NFT is mutated enough to reach it’s volume limit set by the PROTOCORP, the original unmutated POPCORP digital card will become rarer than the mutated result. Essentially, this mechanic will let our collectors decide to a degree the volume-based rarity of an NFT.
For example: In the case that a Special Walker NFT card which can be blended into a higher rarity such as Rare Grave is fully blended, it will make the original Special Walker NFT be nearly as rare as an Ultra-Rare Biohazard card.

Can all NFT cards be Mutated?
No, only certain cards going forward will have the ability to mutate.
How can one obtain a Mutation Element NFT?
In the future Mutation Elements will be found within packs, through blends of NFT cards and promotional giveaways. Not all Mutation Elements are the same and they will all produce different outcomes.

What NFTs will we be able to mutate using these Mutation Elements?
These Mutation Elements will only be able to mutate certain POPCORP NFT zombies found in Edition 2.
Will MUTATION blends be limited?
The results created from a mutation will have a pre-set rarity and volume, limiting how many can be mutated.
The results created from a mutation will have a pre-set rarity and volume, limiting how many can be mutated.
Come and visit our lively undead collection in "ATOMICHUB" & "NEFTYBLOCKS".